Monday, May 12, 2008

What happened Andruw?

When he was with the Braves, Andruw Jones without a doubt earned a reputation as one of the best centerfielders in the game. Then, he got to the end of his contract and seemingly lost his ability to make contact with the ball and even some of his range in the outfield. Now that he's with the Dodgers, he doesn't exactly have the patience of the fans and media as he did in Atlanta whenever he had a slow start. That is, if you consider the following article by T.J. Simers as an good reflection of the feelings of the rest of LA:

"As for his play on the field, the Tubbo has one home run, and so far it looks as if he has only warning-track power, which suggests he has lost something.
"If you think that's what I've got, warning-track power, then write it down," Jones said, and it always helps when I have a player's permission to criticize him. "I lost my power, I suck, I should retire."
"I hope you're not waiting for me to disagree with you," I said.
Then Jones went out, and struck out on three pitches in his first appearance at the plate. I wonder if he cared.

Hard to disagree with Simers, but as a former Andruw fan, I fear the negative press may hinder his chances of breaking out of his slump. I don't think any writer in Atlanta ever wrote such a negative article about any athlete. Not sure why Simers felt the need to make it personal between he and Andruw. Just an ugly situation that may get uglier soon.,0,7611597,full.column

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